Capital District MQG

The mission of the Capital District Modern Quilt Guild is to further members’ modern quilting skills and to inspire and educate the Capital District community on modern and non-traditional quilting.

Each meeting has a three-part agenda:
– News & Information
– The Monthly Program or Presentation
– Sho & Share of Member Work

Guests are welcome and may attend one meeting for no fee.

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Locations sometimes vary between local libraries due to holidays or meeting room availability; check the schedule on our website to confirm the location of the meeting before attending.

Our members also participate in
– Block-of-the-Month Charity Quilts
– Quarterly Guild Challenges
– Open Sew Days and Workshops
– Community Outreach Events and Shows
– And much more!

Guild Meeting Locations:

Bethlehem Public Library, Delmar NY (most often)
Brunswick Community Library, Brunswick NY

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